The Adae festival is celebrated by the Twi speaking Akans of Ghana. This festival deals mainly with the propitiation and veneration of the spirit ancestors. It is centred on the blackened stools which are dedicated to the dead chiefs, placed in the stool room and treated as shrines. It is celebrated on Sundays and Wednesdays.
The Akan calendar year is divided into nine months of 40 days. The Adae is celebrated once every 40 days. The Sunday Adae is known as Akwasidae while the Wednesday Adae is called Wukudae. There are 23 days between Wukudae and Akwasidae. The ninth Wukudae is known as Adae Kese meaning the "Big Adae". This is celebrated as a state festival for a traditional area made up of several villages and towns and is called Odwira.